Pre-Trail Thoughts and Notes of Gratitude

🎶 my bags are packed, I’m ready to go🎵

I’m sitting on the train that will take me from LA to San Diego and I’m full of nerves, excitement, and a final LA meal of Chinese dumplings. My backpack has been packed and repacked 15 times, I’ve shipped two boxes to early resupply points without grocery stores, and I’ve checked off (almost) all my last minute to-do’s. 

I knew preparing for a 5-month hike would be a lot of work, but PHEW. There are a million things to research, plan, figure out, do, etc. etc. Finally most things are done and I’m ready for the real work to begin. To walk and walk and walk some more. To settle into a routine of wake up, eat, walk, eat some more, go to the bathroom, walk some more, take a break, eat some more, set up camp, filter water, go to bed. 

I’m excited for the simplicity of this routine. I’m excited to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of real life. I’m excited to see beautiful nature, to meet people and make friends, to challenge myself and discover things about myself that I never knew before. 

Leading up to this trip, I’ve been reflecting on the gratitude I feel for all those who have helped make this trip a reality for me. Though I will be hiking alone, I couldn’t have done this alone. 

I want to say thank you to:

  • My parents, who have given me so much love and endless support in every way possible my whole life. I love you both!

  • My sister Christy, who let me stay with her while I was in LA before my trip, and who will be sending me resupply boxes and gear while I’m on trail. And for being the best seester ever. 

  • My friend Nolan, who graciously agreed to watch my kitty Joanie for no payment other than a nice bottle of whiskey. His apartment in Denver is perfect and from the looks of the photos he has already sent me, they’re getting along swimmingly! I couldn’t have asked for a better situation or person to watch my precious bb and I’m so grateful!

  • My company, Blue Pisces Consulting, for being incredibly supportive of this whole crazy adventure, including giving me $1,500 towards the trail and for giving me my job when I come back. 😉

  • My friends Sawna and Eamon, who housed me for a time in Boulder after I put the contents of my apartment into storage, and for giving me some sweet Hydrapak gear to use on the trail!

  • My friend Lani, who hiked the PCT in 2017 and gave me tons of good info, and whose website I drew a lot of inspiration from for my own. 😊 Lani is thru-hiking the Arizona Trail right now- check out her adventurings here!

  • My friend Chris, who works at Goodr and sent me a bunch of rad sunglasses for free for my trip! Thanks dude!

Land Acknowledgement

I also want to acknowledge that the land I will be walking on belongs to the Indigenous tribes listed below. I am incredibly grateful that I get to experience the beauty of this land, and I honor their stewardship of it. To express my gratitude and give back and in a small way, I have donated to the First Nations Development Institute, which improves economic conditions for Native Americans through direct financial grants, technical assistance & training, and advocacy & policy.

Thank you to this article on The Trek which used data from to identify the native territories that the Pacific Crest Trail passes through:





Thanks for reading my first blog and here’s to the first of many! 

Tomorrow I start my journey. Wish me luck!


Days 0-2: And I’m off!