Day 60, June 16: Mile 804 to 823, Over Pinchot and Mather Pass
Start: Mile 804.1
End: Mile 823.4
Miles: 19.3
Ascent: 3782 | Descent: 5555
Boop and I both woke up early so we could get the first pass of the day out of the way early. We started hiking around 5am, and the cool morning was nice, despite the steep climb right out of the gate. I climbed and climbed, and enjoyed the morning show of the sun lighting up the mountains all around me. The Sierra Nevada mountains truly contain too much beauty to be comprehended or fully appreciated. I tried my best to soak in every view and imprint it into my mind, but it was impossible.
So I hiked on. Soon enough, I reached the top of Pinchot Pass. Boop made it up shortly after me. There was a cute marmot waddling about at the top, and Boop and I took some photos and continued down over the pass.
I descended into yet another gorgeous valley. This one in particular had multiple stream and creek crossings that were somewhat tricky to navigate rock hopping across. I decided to ford one that was particularly wide and fast moving, so my shoes got wet but I made it across safely.
After descending, I started another long climb, this time up towards Mather Pass. Part of the way up, I decided to take a break in a breezy corridor so that the mosquitos wouldn’t disrupt my breakfast break as much. While I was sitting on a rock, drying out my shoes and enjoying the sun and breeze, I saw the coolest bug. It was a huge ant-looking thing, but it was carrying an entire inch long caterpillar under its belly while it walked. I watched it pull it towards, and then into, its small hole in the ground. I wish I had snapped a picture but it was moving too quickly.
Squirrel Daddy appeared after a little while, and took a break next to me as well. Boop came by a bit after, and she kept hiking. After 45 min or so, I put on my now sort of dry socks and shoes and kept hiking. The valley I climbed through was incredibly stunning, with 360° views of towering mountains dotted with snow patches. There were streams all about, and so many wildflowers.
After a gentle climb, I had one mile of steep switchbacks up to Mather Pass. I put in some music in my headphones and cruised up. Soon enough, I made it to the top and saw Lucky Charm and Zippo up there. I settled in to eat an ultra gourmet lunch of Nutella wrap with potato chips, and laid back to enjoy the sun.
Again, Squirrel Daddy and Boop caught up to me. We chatted and hung out at the top of the pass for a while before I got antsy and packed up to start heading down. Talk on the trail was that Mather Pass was the sketchiest of all the passes due to the snowfields and steepness on the northern side. I got my microspikes ready and headed down.
I did end up hitting some snow so I put my spikes on and carefully navigated the slush. Realistically I probably didn’t need my spikes, but I was very happy to have them, as the potential result of a slip would be a long fall into rocks below. Luckily, there was a clear bootpack to follow and I made it through just fine. I was glad once it was all over and I was back on dry dirt, though.
I waited for SD and Boop at the bottom to make sure they made it down safely too, and then we all started yet another long descent in yet another gorgeous valley. I wondered if there is another prescribed burn or (hopefully not) a fire nearby as a light haze of smoke settled into the valley.
I passed by countless streams, waterfalls, waddling marmots, so many alpine wildflowers. The day’s beauty was neverending, everywhere I turned. I’m so happy to be out here!!
Finally after much descending, I made it to the area I wanted to camp at. The campsite I was hoping to get had multiple tents already set up, so I kept pressing on. Thankfully, only 0.1 mile later, I found an incredible tucked away site under the pine trees next to a rushing creek. I’m camping alone tonight, and I can feel that I will be asleep as soon as I close my eyes. Night!