Day 49, June 5: (Unplanned) Zero in Kennedy Meadows

  • Start: Kennedy Meadows - Mile 702.2

  • End: Kennedy Meadows - Mile 702.2

  • Miles: 0.0

  • Ascent: 0 | Descent: 0

I woke up slow at Grumpy’s, packed up my camp and made my way back to the main area for breakfast and to charge my electronics. I ordered one of the famous pancakes that are a foot across and an inch thick. I managed to eat half, which felt like an accomplishment.

We took the shuttle back to the General Store and kept hanging out for a bit. The plan was to hike out from there at 1pm with the rest of the group (Cathole, Liz, Tikka, Boop and Sensei), but Squirrel Daddy suggested not leaving and taking a zero instead. I weighed it for a bit in my mind and finally agreed, excited for a chance to maybe actually relax before the challenging section ahead of us.

The rest of the day consisted of the usual- eating, hanging out, chatting with hikers, etc. I met some more new hikers including Kamilla, Yeah Yeah and Jukebox, and we played Sorry and Connect Four together. I went to bed early in preparation for an early start the next morning.


Day 50, June 6: Kennedy Meadows to Mile 717


Day 48, June 4: Mile 694 to Kennedy Meadows/Mile 702